MD-PhD Clinical Research

Students with a Master in Medicine can apply for the MD-PhD Clinical Research. The Faculty of Medicine awards for a completed PhD study the grade of “Dr. med.” and “Dr. sc. med. Clinical Research” (MD PhD). The duration of the study is three years and structured by the PhD regulations of the Faculty of Medicine. Besides a Master in Medicine, ideally the candidates should already have experiences with clinical research (for example Master Thesis in Clinical Research, summer schools, active participation in research programs during the elective year).

Registration and formalities:
The PhD Board of the Faculty of Medicine decides on the admission to the MD-PhD Program. All necessary documents have to be received by the board on the respective dates. More information on the MD-PhD Clinical Research can be found on the website of the Department of Clinical Research.

Excellent students can apply for a grant at the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). To do so, they have to submit all necessary documents in electronical form until 15 December to Nicole Salvisberg (Nicole.salvisberg(at)usb(dot)ch) after acceptance by the PhD Board of the Faculty of Medicine. A sub-commission evaluates which candidates can present themselves at the Swiss National Science Foundation. Please note that for these competitive grants above-average achievements and publications, experiences in clinical research or participation in clinical research programs are a big advantage.

When applying for the MD-PhD grant at the SNSF it is recommended to do that before finishing the medical studies. The procedures are the same as described above. If your application is accepted by the PhD Board you receive a provisional admission from the University of Basel which you can submit to the SNSF.
If candidates receive a provisional admission their application will not be evaluated a second time by the PhD Board if they submit their application later on to the Student Administration Office.

Deadline once a year on 15 December