What is accident prevention?

In accident prevention, a distinction is drawn between the prevention of occupational accidents and illnesses (occupational safety) and the prevention of non-occupational accidents (leisure, household, road traffic).

Prevention of occupational accidents and illnesses

Employers are responsible for preventing occupational accidents and illnesses (occupational safety). However, employees also have a part to play. In particular, they must comply with the employer’s instructions concerning occupational safety and use personal protective equipment (PPE).

Prevention of non-occupational accidents

Suva and the other accident insurers promote the prevention of non-occupational accidents. Together they operate the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (BFU), which helps to prevent non-occupational accidents – on the roads, at home, during leisure time – through awareness-raising and safety campaigns. It also coordinates efforts in this area.

Last modification 16.06.2020

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Insurance Supervision Division
Accident Insurance, Accident Prevention and Military Insurance Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 21 11

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