Accident insurance

For employees in Switzerland, compulsory accident insurance provides protection against the health-related and economic consequences of occupational and non occupational accidents or occupational illnesses.

Here you’ll find information on the general framework for insurers and insured persons, oversight by the FOPH, benefits, premiums, tariffs and international insurance-related matters, as well as the revision of the Accident Insurance Act (UVG) and accident prevention.

What is covered under the accident and occupational diseases insurance?

Coverage in case of work accidents, non-work accidents and occupational diseases

Accident insurance: Who is subject to compulsory insurance?

Every person employed in Switzerland is subject to compulsory insurance under the UVG.

Accident insurance: Insurers and supervision

- Who provides accident insurance?
- Supervision of accident insurance
- Circulars and information sheets

Accident insurance: Benefits

Insurance benefits according to AIA: treatment benefits and reimbursement of costs; cash benefits.

Accident insurance: premiums

The employer pays the premium for occupational, the employee for non-occupational accidents.

Accident insurance: International agreements

Switzerland has concluded international social security agreements with 44 countries.

What is accident prevention?

Accident prevention involves the prevention of occupational accidents and illnesses and non-occupational accidents.

Prevention of non-occupational accidents

The Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (BFU) is responsible for the prevention of non-occupational accidents.