Health insurance: Students abroad

Barring exceptional circumstances, students who go abroad to study retain their domicile in Switzerland and thus remain subject to compulsory health insurance (KVG). 

Studying in an EU/EFTA member state or in the United Kingdom (UK)

Students who retain their domicile in Switzerland during their stay in the EU/EFTA/UK remain subject to compulsory health insurance (KVG) provided that they do not exercise a remunerated activity alongside their studies (in this case, please consult “Workers in the EU/EFTA/UK).

Under the Swiss-EU Agreement on the free movement of persons, the EFTA Convention and the new social security Agreement with the United Kingdom, in order to avoid double insurance, students who remain insured under their home country’s health insurance scheme are not obliged to obtain health insurance in the country where they are studying.

Being insured under the Health Insurance Act (KVG), upon presentation of the European Health Insurance Card, students are entitled to receive the same medical care as persons insured in the European country in question or in UK (for reimbursement of treatment costs in EU/EFTA/UK, please consult “Tourists abroad and globetrotters”).

Studying outside the EU/EFTA/UK

Students who retain their domicile in Switzerland while studying in a country outside the EU/EFTA/UK remain subject to compulsory health insurance in Switzerland (for reimbursement of treatment costs outside the EU/EFTA/UK, please consult “Tourists abroad and globetrotters”).

Students who – under the law of a country with which no arrangements have been made concerning limitation of insurance obligations – are compulsorily insured against illness during their stay can apply for exemption from compulsory health insurance in Switzerland. This is possible if they would otherwise face a double insurance burden and if their existing insurance provides equivalent cover for treatments in Switzerland. The application should be made to the responsible cantonal authority. For more information, please contact the authority responsible for your canton of residence directly (see the list of cantonal authorities below).

Further information

Health insurance: Tourists abroad and globetrotters

Persons travelling abroad remain subject to insurance obligations in Switzerland.

Workers in the EU/EFTA or the United Kingdom (UK)

Health insurance obligations for persons who are resident in Switzerland and work in an EU/EFTA country or UK or pursue multiple activities.

Last modification 12.09.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Health and Accident Insurance Directorate
Insurance Supervision Division
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern

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