Health insurance: Insured persons eligible to suspend accident cover

Insured persons who are fully insured against the risk of (occupational and non-occupational) accidents in accordance with the Federal Act on Accident Insurance (UVG) can apply to their health insurer for suspension of accident cover. 

Persons working at least 8 hours per week for an employer in Switzerland are fully insured against the risk of accidents under the UVG. They can therefore apply to their health insurer for suspension of accident cover.

Persons who are not (or no longer) employed or who work less than 8 hours per week are not compulsorily insured under the UVG (e.g. children, housewives, househusbands, students and pensioners). They are therefore required to obtain accident cover as part of their compulsory health insurance.


The insurer can suspend accident cover on receipt of a written application providing evidence that the insured person is fully covered in accordance with the UVG (Art. 8 para. 1 KVG). The suspension takes effect at the earliest on the first day of the month following receipt of the application from the insured person. The premium is reduced accordingly.

Further information

Accident insurance: Who is subject to compulsory insurance?

Every person employed in Switzerland is subject to compulsory insurance under the UVG.

Last modification 27.06.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Health and Accident Insurance Directorate
Insurance Supervision Division
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern

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