Health insurance: EU/EFTA/UK premiums and premium subsidies

Persons resident in an EU/EFTA country or the United Kingdom (UK)who are subject to Swiss compulsory health insurance under the Swiss-EU Agreement on the free movement of persons, the EFTA Convention or the new social security Agreement with the United Kingdom must pay the premiums applicable for their country of residence.

Premiums EU/EFTA/UK

About a third of Swiss health insurers offer cover for people resident in an EU or EFTA country or the United Kingdom (UK). Some insurers offer cover only for certain EU countries. The premiums must cover the costs incurred by policyholders in all these countries. Insurers must calculate separate premiums for each country, reflecting the differences in costs.

EU/EFTA/UK premium subsidies

Switzerland grants premium subsidies to KVG policyholders on low incomes resident in EU or EFTA countries or UK. The Confederation is responsible for premium subsidies granted to pensioners and their family members; they are administered by the Common Institution under the KVG (see link below in French, German or Italian “Premium subsidies for pensioners resident in an EU/EFTA country or UK”). In contrast, responsibility for premium subsidies for people working in Switzerland, cross-border commuters and persons drawing unemployment benefit, as well as family members, rests with the canton of residence (or the canton of employment, for cross-border commuters). The document below lists the addresses of the cantonal authorities responsible for premium subsidies.

Further information

Requirement to obtain insurance

In general, people leaving Switzerland to live abroad are no longer subject to compulsory health insurance. However, exceptions apply for certain groups of people.

Last modification 12.09.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Health and Accident Insurance Directorate
Insurance Supervision Division
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 21 11

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