Information related to the specialities list

The FOPH regularly informs interested parties, particularly licence holders of drugs on the specialities list (SL/LS), on important developments relating to the list. These notifications are published here. 

Internal reference price (IRP) of pharmaceuticals whose patent protection has already expired: special case

On 9 May 2022, the FOPH informed the associations of pharmaceutical companies and health insurers in writing about the immediately valid measure for conducting the IRP for a pharmaceutical whose patent protection has already expired and for which no other pharmaceutical whose patent has also expired is available as therapeutic alternative.

Discontinuation of the printed edition of the list of specialties

Due to declining demand, the printed list of specialties will no longer be available from 2021. The monthly updated data on the list of specialties and the directives of the BAG, the provisions and introduction to the GGML (birth defect medication list) and the introduction to the list of generics can be found at www.spezialitä

Exchange erates for SL/LS applications and reviews

The factors included in the FOPH’s assessment of the cost-effectiveness of drugs on the specialities list include the prices of drugs in nine reference countries in Europe (Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Austria, France, Sweden, Belgium and Finland). The FOPH converts foreign ex-factory prices into Swiss francs twice a year, on January 1 and July 1, at the exchange rates published here. These exchange rates are calculated on the basis of the average monthly exchange rates published by the Swiss National Bank for the previous twelve months.

Exchange rates for foreign price comparisons to the FOPH between 1 July 2024 and 31 December 2024.


Exchange rate: average July 2023 to Juin 2024

DK: 100 DKK




D, NL, A, F, FI, BE: 1 EUR


SE: 100 SEK


List of pharmaceuticals subject to appeal

List of pharmaceuticals subject to an appeal against a decision of the FOPH.

Current FOPH notifications for licence holders and insurers related to drugs on the specialities list

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Last modification 02.07.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Health and Accident Insurance Directorate
Authorisation of Pharmaceuticals
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 90 35

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