The FOPH draws up various lists setting the prices and tariffs for medicines, which are refunded to the stipulated maximum under the compulsory health insurance or invalidity insurance (IV).
That includes the list of drugs and special therapies with prices (specialities list SL/LS), the list of products and active substances and excipients used in extemporaneous preparation with the corresponding tariffs, the list of specialities for congenital anomalies (GG-SL) and the list of drugs for birth defects and congenital disorders (GGML).
Specialities list (SL/LS)
The specialities list contains original formulations and lower-cost generics, including prices, covered by mandatory basic health insurance. A drug approved by swissmedic and contained in the SL must be effective, expedient and economical, and may have a limitation. Specialities list SL/LS
Medicines list with tariff
This is a list of products and active substances and excipients used in extemporaneous preparation, with the corresponding tariffs. These tariffs also cover the services provided by the pharmacist.
List of specialities for congenital anomalies (GG-SL)
The GG-SL contains medicinal products which are indicated exclusively for the treatment of congenital anomalies (birth defects) recognised by the disability insurance scheme (IV/AS) and whose use in the majority of cases begins before the age of 20 (Art. 3sexies of the Invalidity Insurance Ordinance). A medicinal product authorised by Swissmedic and listed on
the GG-SL must be effective, appropriate and economical, and may have a limitation. After a transitional period, the GG-SL will replace the existing list of drugs for birth defects and congenital disorders (GGML) as well as the list of medicinal products in the IV/IS circular on medical integration measures (KSME).
List of drugs for birth defects and congenital disorders (GGML)
This is a list of drugs to be paid for under mandatory basic health insurance that were covered for people receiving federal disability (IV/AS) benefits until age twenty that they will continue to require subsequently.
Last modification 20.01.2025
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Health and Accident Insurance Directorate
Authorisation of Pharmaceuticals
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
+41 58 462 90 35