Health insurance

Thanks to compulsory health insurance, anyone living in Switzerland has access to good medical care. We are responsible for ensuring the ongoing development of this important social accomplishment. Find out here about the mandatory insurance requirement, health insurance oversight, benefits and tariffs, premiums and premium comparisons, quality assurance and amendments to the law.


In this section you’ll find information on compulsory health insurance, also known as mandatory or basic health insurance. Insurers that provide compulsory insurance (called “Krankenkassen”, “caisses maladie” or “casse malati”) are not profit-oriented and must be recognised by the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA). Insurance companies can also offer supplementary insurance (top-up insurance).

Premiums for compulsory (basic) health insurance compared

The site is a neutral premium calculator provided by the FOPH (in German, French and Italian). You can use it to work out your premium for compulsory health insurance for the next year.

Key points in brief

Compulsory health insurance ensures universal access to comprehensive, high-quality healthcare as soon as the requirement for health insurance begins (no waiting period, no exclusions).

Health insurance for people resident in Switzerland

Here, people resident in Switzerland can find useful information on the requirement to obtain insurance, premium comparisons and subsidies, co payment, special types of insurance, optional daily allowance insurance, or the health insurance card.

Health insurance: Persons resident abroad

Compulsory health insurance for persons resident abroad

Health insurance: Supervision of insurers

Insurers offering compulsory health insurance are supervised by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

Benefits and tariffs

What medical care does compulsory (basic) insurance pay for? What hospital can you go to for treatment? What about maternity benefits? Which tariffs and prices are set by the authorities?

Health insurance: Description of services

Who decides what benefits compulsory (basic) health insurance pays? In this section you can find out who is responsible and the procedures for applying for coverage of new benefits.

Quality development in Switzerland

Despite good-quality healthcare in Switzerland, ongoing improvements are necessary.

Health insurance: Current Revision Projects

Various revisions are under way in the field of health insurance. They affect legislation including the Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG/LAMal), the Health Insurance Ordinance (KVV/OAMal) and the Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance (KLV/OPAS).