The four-pillar policy

Swiss drug policy aims to reduce drug use and its negative consequences for users and society. It is based on the four pillars of prevention, therapy, harm reduction and repression. 

The revision of the Narcotics Act (NarcA) in 2008 enshrined the four-pillar drug policy in law. This policy was developed against the background of the heroin epidemic of the 1990-ies.    

Expanded definitions of the four-pillar policy

The Federal Commission on Narcotic Drugs expanded the concept of the four pillars to include the dimension of the three use-patterns: low-risk, problematic, and dependent use. In addition, it was also postulated that this model applies to all forms of addiction, not just to illegal drugs.

The National Strategy on Addiction 2017-2024 builds on this «cube model».

Modèle cube cube

Further information

Addiction & health

Addictions and dependencies pose a risk to individuals and society at large. That’s why we promote people’s health literacy. Find out here about the various addictions and addiction prevention, regulation, damage limitation, counselling and therapies.

National Strategy on Addiction

The National Strategy on Addiction aims to prevent the development of addiction, provide help to people with an addiction and reduce the negative impact on health and society.

Last modification 07.05.2021

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