Perspectives on drug policy up to 2030

Recent years have seen a reorientation of the drug policies in various countries. Therefore, the Federal Council has reviewed the current drug policy situation and identified possibilities for the further development of the policy in this area.

Since the 1990s, patterns of drug use have changed with the emergence of so-called recreational drugs. The fourfold approach on which drug policy was based, needs to be adapted to address current challenges. Action is required primarily with regard to cannabis. In addition, in view of potential therapeutic applications, the question arises whether medical access to such substances is adequately assured.

In a report adopted in April 2021 (in response to Postulate 17.4076 submitted by Paul Rechsteiner), the Federal Council reviewed the current situation with regard to drug policy and defined measures for the coming years.


Prospects for Swiss drug policy (PDF, 1 MB, 28.04.2021)Report of the Federal Council in fulfillment of the postulate 17.4076 Rechsteiner Paul
in French

Policy field analysis of Swiss Drug Policy: Debates and advocacy coalitions 2008-2018 (PDF, 2 MB, 15.06.2021)Palmo Brunner, Daniel Kübler
Universität Zürich, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, 2019

Report on THC limits in road traffic - Literatureanalysis (PDF, 979 kB, 28.04.2021)in German, abstract in German and French
Biranda Bucher et al.
Institut für Rechtsmedizin, Universität Basel, 2020

Analysis of the International Drug Control System (PDF, 1 MB, 28.04.2021)Jennifer Hasselgard-Rowe et al.
Groupement Romand d’Etudes des Addictions (GREA), 2019

Implementation of the Law on Narcotics (NarcA): cantonal experiences and future perspectives (PDF, 2 MB, 29.04.2021)in French, available in German
Stephanie Stucki et al.
Addiction Suisse, 2019

Orderly fines for cannabis use (PDF, 973 kB, 28.04.2021)in French, abstracts in French and German
Frank Zobel, Cécile Homberg, Marc Marthaler
Addiction Suisse, 2017

Further information

Addiction & health

Addictions and dependencies pose a risk to individuals and society at large. That’s why we promote people’s health literacy. Find out here about the various addictions and addiction prevention, regulation, damage limitation, counselling and therapies.

National Strategy on Addiction

The National Strategy on Addiction aims to prevent the development of addiction, provide help to people with an addiction and reduce the negative impact on health and society.

Pilot trials with cannabis

On 15 May 2021 an amendment to NarcA has come into force allowing pilot trials involving the dispensing of cannabis for non-medicinal (“recreational”) purposes. These studies are intended to create the basis for the future legal regulation of cannabis.

Substitution-assisted treatments in case of opioid dependence

Substitution treatment is aimed at opioid-dependent people. A substitute substance is prescribed as part of a therapy that also comprises psychosocial support.

International Drug Policy

Drawing on experience, Switzerland belongs to the countries that are promoting approaches to public health, and that place the human dimension firmly at the centre of national and international drug policy.

Last modification 11.06.2021

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