Action plan to strengthen the radiological security in Switzerland "Radiss"

At its meeting on June 7, 2024, the Federal Council took note of the interim report on the status of the Radiss action plan and extended it by three years until 2028. In addition, a new field of action was added for the FOPH's crisis management in the event of radiological incidents.


Radioactive materials are used, for example, in cancer radiotherapy, sterilization or material testing. When they are not or no longer under regulatory control, they are a danger to people and the environment and can cause great harm. For this reason, any loss of control of radioactive materials, whether through negligence or malicious acts, must be prevented.


Initial situation and objectives

The action plan to strengthen radiological security and safety 2020-2025 ("Radiss") led by the FOPH was adopted by the Federal Council on October 21, 2020. The main objective is to improve the security of radioactive materials, to keep licensed radioactive material under constant control and to detect orphan radioactive material before it can cause damage to people and the environment.

Specifically, both the misuse of radioactive material for criminal purposes and its uncontrolled spread through unauthorized disposal or illegal import, export and transit are to be prevented. Working groups consisting of members of several federal agencies1 from six departments were formed in the three fields of action "Prevention", "Detection" and "Intervention". The fields of action were divided into eight priorities and nineteen measures.

Icon "Prevention"


Icon "Detection"


Icon "Intervention"


1 BAZG, Spiez Laboratory, NDB, Nuklearforensik Schweiz, fedpol, BA, NAZ, ENSI, BFE, VBS ABC-KAMIR, EDA, PSI and Suva.

An important milestone in the action plan was the international expert mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to review radiological security in Switzerland in November 2023 ("IPPAS mission"). The mission's final report praised the action plan as exemplary, but also made a number of recommendations for further strengthening radiological security. These recommendations are now being incorporated into the second part of the action plan together with the findings to date.

Summary and outlook (as of June 2024)

Goals achieved

  • All facilities with high activity radioactive sources have secured them against theft and sabotage in accordance with the FOPH's guideline;
  • The number of high activity radioactive sources in Switzerland has been reduced by 30%, partly due to the switch to more advanced technologies;
  • The number of recycling plants that carry out checks for radioactivity has risen from 40 to 160. Several source discoveries are reported every week;
  • Cooperation between the (specialist) authorities for import, export and transit controls has been strengthened and the number of controls increased;
  • The preparation and implementation of the IAEA's International Radiological Protection Assessment Mission (IPPAS) confirmed the good progress made and provided helpful recommendations for optimization;
  • The responsibilities in the event of radiological incidents such as the discovery or theft of radioactive material were clarified between the authorities at and set out in a guideline.

New field of action for the FOPH's crisis management in the event of radiological incidents


In view of the increasing deterioration of the security situation, in particular the resurgence of nuclear threats in the wake of the Russian war against Ukraine, the action plan will be expanded to include a new field of action for the FOPH's crisis management. This is intended to improve preparedness for potential nuclear threats, the misuse of radioactive material and the release of radioactivity. On the one hand, the aim is to ensure operational readiness at the FOPH for exceptional radiological events. On the other hand, competencies and responsibilities are to be defined and legally mapped out.

Further steps

The following list describes some of the measures to be implemented in the second part of Radiss. You can find a summary of all priorities and measures in Figure 1 and in the interim report.

  • Integration of the recommendations of the IAEA review mission;
  • Reduction of insider risks in companies with high activity radioactive sources;
  • Regular threat analysis;
  • Strengthening the legal basis for securing radioactive materials and better clarification of responsibilities for different types of radiological incidents;
  • Strengthening checks for radioactivity during import, export and transit;
  • Expansion of the action plan to include a fourth field of action for the FOPH's crisis management in the event of radiological incidents. This includes:
    • Improved anticipation of crisis situations through threat analyses;
    • Targeted and coordinated preparation of crisis management;
    • Development of a resilient organization for crisis management in the event of radiological incidents.

The extension of the action plan by three years enables the FOPH to finance the remaining and new tasks with existing resources by spreading them over a longer period of time.

The following diagram (Figure 1) shows the four fields of action with the priorities and measures that the experts from the various federal offices will be addressing under the leadership of the FOPH until the end of 2028.

Fields of action, priorities and measures

More detailed information on Radiss can be found in the PDF document of the action plan. You can download the PDF under "Documents". The interim report is available in German, French and Italian.

Last modification 17.09.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Radiological Protection Division
Reseach Facilities and Nuclear Medicine Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 96 14

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