"Evaluation" action area (E)

The situation regarding HAIs in Switzerland needs to be evaluated on a regular basis. Concrete numbers enable an estimate of the extent of the problem and the development of measures tailored to the needs of hospitals and nursing homes.

Strategic objective

The numbers on prevalence, mortality and secondary costs of HAIs are well known, and their avoidable share has been determined. This enables us to develop targeted national measures that are prioritised according to the needs of hospitals and nursing homes. Besides, the nursing institutions know their own situation and can adapt measures accordingly. A regular nationwide point prevalence survey permits a long-term evaluation of the effect of the NOSO Strategy’s measures. Experts assist in regularly evaluating the benefit and cost-effectiveness of the measures as well, which allows any necessary adjustments to be made to the implementation work.

Key measures

Baseline (E-1)

Point prevalence surveys and research of the literature are used to establish a data foundation. The prevalence studies are repeated in order to track HAI development over time and allow institutions to self-evaluate.

Evaluation of the NOSO Strategy (E-2)

The progress made with the NOSO Strategy is surveyed, and the effectiveness of the implemented measures is evaluated.

Examples of implementation

Last modification 05.02.2025

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Communicable Diseases Division
Infection Control and Control Measures Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 463 87 06

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