In 2022, with support from the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), Swissnoso carried out the second national point prevalence survey (PPS). 108 hospitals participated, representing 80% of all acute care beds in Switzerland. The survey indicated that 5.9% of patients were affected by a healthcare-associated infection; this was the same as that recorded in the first PPS (2017).
The number of hospitals participating in the second national PPS was higher than in 2017 (108 vs 96). This is particularly satisfying given the pressures arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. Each hospital collected data on healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial use on a single day between April and June 2022. Altogether around 14,000 patients were studied.
The survey covered the type and severity of infections, and the type and dosage of antibiotics used. In addition, data on infection prevention and control activities was collected for the first time, using a WHO checklist adapted for Switzerland.
Comparison with other European countries
As the Swiss survey was carried out according to the PPS protocol of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the data is directly comparable with that collected in other European countries. The ECDC’s 2022-2023 PPS, which was conducted in 1,332 hospitals in 31 European countries, showed an HAI prevalence of 7.1%. With a prevalence of 5.9% for 2023, Switzerland is somewhat below this European average.
Regular point prevalence surveys help to generate robust and representative data at the national level. This facilitates the monitoring of avoidable infections at Swiss hospitals and the identification of possible approaches to improve the situation. The PPS also provides information on the progress made by hospitals in implementing the minimum structural requirements for HAI prevention and control, thus supporting implementation efforts.
Annual surveys available for interested hospitals
Between the national surveys, Swissnoso makes various tools available to hospitals interested in annual data collection, including database access, training materials and the survey protocol.
The 2023 survey
The 2023 Swiss point prevalence survey was conducted at 76 hospitals. The corresponding data from 10,236 patients revealed an HAI prevalence of 5.9%. Among those hospitals which had taken part in all the PPSs between 2017 and 2023, the latest 2023 HAI prevalence amounted to 5.7%.
This 2023 HAI prevalence result is comparable with those recorded in the two national surveys to date in 2017 (5.9%) and 2022 (6.0%). No statistically significant trends were identified for 2023 in either the overall cohort or the subgroup of hospitals which had participated in all such surveys to date.
In addition to the data collection, the participating hospitals were also invited to complete a self-assessment questionnaire which was intended to show their progress in implementing the minimum structural requirements for HAI prevention.
PPS results and Swissnoso reports
(available only in German, French and Italian)
Further information on point prevalence surveys (Swissnoso)
(available only in German, French and Italian)
Last modification 05.11.2024
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Communicable Diseases Division
Infection Control and Control Measures Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
+41 58 463 87 06