Analysis of training requirements

In order to prevent HAIs in acute medicine and long-term care, staff must have the most current level of knowledge. The FOPH and its implementation partners are discussing which measures to use to bridge gaps in knowledge.

Room for improvement in HAI specialist skills

Skizze Schulung

The success of HAI measures in hospitals and nursing homes largely depends on the problem awareness and knowledge of the entire staff. In a survey of around 100 persons in four healthcare facilities, a study identified shortcomings which affected all professional groups, from health specialists to non-medical staff and management. Particularly in the case of complex processes or when it came to understanding how germs can be transmitted, specialist knowledge was insufficient for everyday practice.

Measures in vocational training and HR development

The authors of the report recommend a number of measures to bridge these gaps. A national standard should determine which minimum skills are to be acquired in vocational training, and the teaching of theoretical knowledge is to increasingly give way to practical exercises. The report also proposes addressing HAI topics in human resource development, whereby a differentiation should be made according to the level of hierarchy and risk profile. After looking into these recommendations, the FOPH and its implementation partners will decide jointly which of the suggested measures will be implemented and how.

Last modification 04.09.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Communicable Diseases Division
Infection Control and Control Measures Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 463 87 06

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