The NOSO workshops provide a discussion platform for the various agencies involved in implementing the NOSO Strategy. In this way, the prevention of healthcare-associated infections can be addressed in the current context and from different perspectives.
Workshop 2023
The third NOSO workshop was held on 8 September 2023 at the FOPH. It was attended by 97 people from hospitals, nursing homes and representatives of the cantonal health directorates. After a presentation on the progress achieved in implementing the NOSO Strategy since 2016, participants were divided into three discussion groups which dealt with current NOSO Strategy topics.
- The cantons were able to share the experience they had acquired in implementing the minimum structural requirements and discuss their needs for the future.
- Around thirty people from the nursing home sector worked on drawing up an action plan for institutions of this kind and put forward their opinions on the priorities to be set for the next few years.
- The hospital group familiarised themselves with the Human Factors and Ergonomics approach through practical exercises. This approach advocates the integration of infection prevention knowledge into hospital structures and processes. A final discussion provided an opportunity to pick up on participants’ requirements for improving the transfer of HCAI prevention knowledge within their institutions.
A summary of the three discussion groups, together with the presentations made during the plenary session and in the groups, can be found under Documents (only in German and French).
This event also provided an opportunity to interview nine people on different topics relating to the NOSO Strategy. The videos of these interviews are available on the FOPH YouTube channel.
FOPH - NOSO strategy - short video of the stakeholder workshop on September 8, 2023, in Berne
Impressions from the stakeholder workshop and various statements on the NOSO strategy
Workshops held in 2017 and 2018
The first two workshops were held at the beginning of strategy imple-mentation. They provided an opportunity to review the existing measures and determine priorities for each area of action. The COVID-19 pandemic made it necessary to postpone the NOSO workshops, which were originally planned to be held annually.
Last modification 16.12.2024
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Communicable Diseases Division
Infection Control and Control Measures Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
+41 58 463 87 06