Field of action 4: Equitable access to prevention and treatment

Low-threshold access to prevention and treatment ensures that those affected receive quick and uncomplicated support. NAPS focuses on developing existing services on an ongoing basis so that they are actively utilised, especially by key groups.

NAPS aims to ensure that healthcare services are designed in such a way that they are accepted and, if required, used on a recurring basis, especially by people with an increased risk of infection. 

There must therefore be no barriers to accessing the services Easily accessible prevention counselling, for example, helps ensure that people use the services, improve their protection strategies and do not become infected. 

If an infection nevertheless occurs, early diagnosis is of key importance.  This can be achieved by offering easily accessible testing without cost or other barriers. If those affected are treated quickly and effectively and provided with comprehensive information, their risk of subsequent health problems is reduced and transmission to other people can be prevented. 

Health insurance covers HIV prophylaxis

As a first concrete step towards implementing the national programme, the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) has decided that HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for people at increased risk and in the framework of the ‘SwissPrEPared’ programme will be covered by compulsory health insurance from 1 July 2024. HIV-PrEP effectively prevents the risk of HIV infection through unprotected sexual intercourse. The HIV-PrEP provision includes medical counselling, the necessary laboratory tests and the medication. HIV-PrEP will be included in the catalogue of benefits for a limited period until 31 December 2026, subject to evaluation. The evaluation serves to answer open questions on the development of the number of participants and the impact of HIV-PrEP on the number of infections. Further information in German and French can be found in the links below.

Further information

Counselling and testing centres for HIV and other STI's

Find the right counselling and testing centre for you.

Communicable Diseases Legislation – Epidemics Act, (EpidA)

The Epidemics Act aims to ensure that communicable diseases are detected, monitored, prevented and controlled at an early stage and helps to better manage disease outbreaks with a high risk potential.

Last modification 20.06.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
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3003 Bern
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