Field of action 3: Effectively integrated and networked services

For services to reach the right people, they must be tailored to their needs. They must neither stigmatise nor discriminate against those affected. NAPS promotes and refines such needs-oriented services.

For prevention, testing and treatment to be effective, they must be tailored to the diverse needs of key groups. Services must therefore be more integrated – i.e. as easily accessible as possible, housed in one place or a specialist centre – and networked This makes it easier to cater to different needs in equal measure and to reach key groups more effectively overall.

This applies not only to the prevention of HIV infections, other sexually transmitted infections and hepatitis B and C, but also to access to other specialised services that are important for the key groups. These include, for example, social, legal or psychological support services, which can have a positive influence on preventive efforts.

Further information

Communicable Diseases Legislation – Epidemics Act, (EpidA)

The Epidemics Act aims to ensure that communicable diseases are detected, monitored, prevented and controlled at an early stage and helps to better manage disease outbreaks with a high risk potential.

Last modification 25.09.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
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