«Equity in health care: new insights and challenges» was the topic of the Health Equity Forum 2022. Here you can find a short film, the program and the presentations.
On December 1, 2022, the FOPH held its Health Equity Forum - an online event dedicated to knowledge transfer, reflection and exchange on the topic of equity in health care in Switzerland.
With national and international experts, the focus was on discussing whether and how research findings can contribute to the realization of health equity: in professional practice, in health care organizations and in politics.
Short Film on Health Equity
The short film "Equity in healthcare: moving from the desirable to the necessary" produced by Vjosa Gervalla (albinfo.ch) was presented in public for the first time on the occasion of the Health Equity Forum 2022. It illustrates that we should reflect on the quality of our healthcare system and its ability to provide adequate care for all patients.
Equity in healthcare: moving from the desirable to the necessary
Program and presentations
Here you can find the program of the Health Equity Forum with description of the objectives and the presentations:
Health equity in chaotic times: what are we talking about?
Mesurer l'équité dans les soins à partir des données administratives hospitalières: leçons tirées d'études nationales et cantonales
To Make Equity a Priority - Panorama of Indicators on Healthcare Equity
Diritti dei/delle pazienti, equità e qualità nelle pratiche ospedaliere: il progetto pilota Equity Ticino
Développement d’une intervention pour sensibiliser les professionnel.e.s en santé aux vécu et besoins en communication des Personnes S/sourdes et Malentendantes
Iniquités relatives à l’expérience des soins de la population en Suisse. Eclairages tirés de l’International Health Policy Survey 2020
Bedeutung der Gesundheitskompetenz für die Orientierung im Gesundheitssystem: Fakten und Praxisempfehlungen
L’approche “precision public health” pour mieux éclairer les politiques publiques
Using data for policy: Why and How to?
Why Health Inclusivity Matters: From Research to Practice
Erfahrungen des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms 74 «Smarter Health Care»
Last modification 06.12.2023