The FOPH is committed to combating female genital mutilation (FGM) and is supporting the awareness, advice and prevention activities of the Network against female genital cutting Switzerland since 2016. This network is also dedicated to establishing regional contact points.
There are around 24'600 women and girls living in Switzerland who have been affected by female genital mutilation or are at risk of being cut. Female genital mutilation is a gross violation of physical integrity and breaches national and international law. Awareness and prevention work is often closely linked to the medical treatment of victims. Medical professionals must therefore be able to spot and appropriately treat the disorders associated with FGM.
Information platform against FGM
The FOPH and the State Secretariat for Migration are supporting the awareness, advice and prevention activities of the Network against female genital cutting Switzerland since 2016. The network is run by Caritas Switzerland, Sexual Health Switzerland and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies. It also runs a web platform against FGM, which offers information and support in two areas: one on a specialist site for specialists and one on a community site for victims and those at risk.
Statement opposing female genital mutilation
Female genital mutilation is prohibited in Switzerland. The government wants to support girls and families in protecting themselves against this practice. The «Statement opposing female genital mutilation» is intended to help do this. You can order or download a copy here: Statement opposing female genital mutilation.
News for professionals: please take note of the publication «Female Circumcision - Interdisciplinary Recommendations for Health Professionals». It is available in French and German and replaces the previous guidelines of the Swiss Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics. These have been updated by subject matter experts under the guidance of the Network against female genital cutting Switzerland. See: Excisions génitales féminines - recommandations interdisciplinaires (in French) or Weibliche Genitalbeschneidung - Interdisziplinäre Empfehlungen (in German).
Regional contact points
Specialized prevention, counseling and care services are very important for girls and women affected by FGM. Many girls and women affected by or at risk of FGM are afraid to talk about this taboo subject. They need easily accessible offers of help and information. On the other hand, professionals need specific knowledge in order to be able to provide good care and advice to those affected or at risk.
The Network against female genital cutting Switzerland therefore promotes the establishment of regional contact points in the cantons with financial support from the federal government. It also organizes further training for health professionals and is committed to prevention in communities affected by FGM.
Further information: National and regional contact points on FGM.
Access to help and information: Media release of the Network against female genital cutting Switzerland.
E-learning on FGM
As a professional, how can I raise the issue of FGM if I suspect that a child or woman is at risk or affected? What can I do in a suspected case? An e-learning provides information worth knowing and offers concrete recommendations for action. It is an e-learning from the Vienna Program for Women's Health; this has been adopted and adapted to Swiss conditions. The e-learning is provided in two languages: German version and French version
Please also consult the database for professionals with further material on the topic of FGM and the interview with Omayma el Tahir, who has dedicated her life to campaigning against female genital cutting.
Reports and studies on FGM
The FOPH has been involved in prevention, awareness and networking activities against female genital mutilation since 2003 and has supported the efforts of various organisations to combat FGM. The report drawn up in response to the motion Bernasconi 05.3235 «Female genital mutilation. Awareness and prevention measures» was presented in 2015 and defined the procedure in this area. In 2020, the Federal Council approved the report on postulate Rickli 18.3551 "Measures against female circumcision" and mandated federal services to implement additional measures.
An evaluation has now shown that the orientation of these measures is appropriate. At its meeting on November 22, 2023, the Federal Council therefore decided to maintain them and to continue supporting the Network against female genital cutting Switzerland.
Female genital mutilation: Assessment of the measures taken by the Network against female genital cutting Switzerland, analysis of the situation in the cantons and improvement of the data situation. (Report in German with integrated summary in French and Italian):
Media release: Confederation pursues measures against female genital mutilation (in German, French or Italian)
- FGM in der Schweiz (PDF, 552 kB, 09.11.2016)Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung in der Schweiz. Risiko, Vorkommen, Handlungsempfehlungen.
- Massnahmen gegen FGM (PDF, 1 MB, 09.11.2016)Bestandesaufnahme: Massnahmen gegen weibliche Genitalverstümmelung in der Schweiz.
- Handlungsempfehlungen gegen FGM (PDF, 317 kB, 01.03.2013)Literaturreview: Bestehende Handlungsempfehlungen im Bereich FGM.
- Rechtsstudie zu FGM (PDF, 381 kB, 01.08.2014)Rechtliche Bestimmungen gegen FGM.
- Versorgung und Schutz FGM (PDF, 831 kB, 01.03.2014)Best Practices: Prävention, Versorgung, Schutz und Intervention betr. FGM.
- Résumé Soins et protection MGF (PDF, 70 kB, 01.04.2014)
Swiss penal code against female genital mutilation
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a gross violation of physical integrity and violates international and national law. Since July 2012, an explicit penal provision against FGM has been in force in Switzerland (Art. 124).
Last modification 27.06.2024
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Healthcare and Related Professions Division
Health Equity Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157