Many health issues have to be addressed on a nationwide basis and closely coordinated. The federal authorities have adopted national healthcare strategies setting down goals, approaches and measures in various areas of public health policy. Find out here about national strategies in areas including antibiotic resistance, dementia, e-health, cancer, non-communicable diseases, palliative care, addiction and migrant health.
The COVID-19 + Endemic Strategy is intended to reduce the impact of SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses on the population in health terms. This should also help prevent any associated overburdening of the healthcare system.
The idea is that by 2030, there should be no more transmissions of HIV, hepatitis B and C in Switzerland. There is also to be a reduction in the number of other sexually transmitted infections. Information on the new NAPS programme can be found here.
The National Strategy on Addiction aims to prevent the development of addiction, provide help to people with an addiction and reduce the negative impact on health and society.
The National Dementia Platform aims to improve the quality of life of people with dementia and their families. To achieve this it focuses on a range of specific issues.
With the NOSO Strategy, the Confederation and its implementation partners aim to better protect the population against hospital and nursing home infections. Here you can read about the measures that are implemented or planned.
A healthy lifestyle would help prevent many non-communicable diseases and reduce their consequences. This is where the NCD strategy and its partners come in.
Together with the cantons and other players, we are working to ensure that people with post COVID-19 condition receive appropriate treatment and support and that research is conducted into this subject.
This Quality strategy is an update to the 2009 quality strategy of the Federal Council. In accordance with the legal bases, the focus is on the quality of healthcare.
The Confederation, together with the cantons and other stakeholders, has drawn up a national vaccination strategy (NVS) with the aim of guaranteeing that the population is sufficiently protected from vaccine-preventable diseases.