Support programmes of the qualified workers initiative “plus”

On 4 March 2016, the Federal Council approved two healthcare support programmes. Their aim is to support and utilise the existing potential of specialists in Switzerland to a greater extent. The programmes were developed as part of the qualified workers initiative “plus”.  

Support programmes of the qualified workers initiative “plus”

The two support programmes “Interprofessionality in healthcare” and “Development of relief services for family caregivers” aim to help recruit more domestic healthcare professionals and better coordinate cooperation between these service providers.

This is particularly important because there will in future be more and more people in Switzerland having to use nursing and care services. This increasing demand requires a corresponding range of services in order to ensure the high quality of healthcare in future.

Further information is available on the German, French or Italian pages.

Last modification 11.05.2021

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Support programme “Interprofessionality in healthcare”

Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Healthcare and Related Professions Division
Healthcare professions – development Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern

Support programme “Development of relief services for family caregivers”

Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Healthcare and Related Professions Division
Healthcare Developement Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern

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