Relatives providing care and nursing

Here you will find an overview of all federal measures relating to carers and family caregivers for private individuals, healthcare professionals and health policymakers.

SOS – contact point for assistance

Advice for relatives providing care and nursing (Swiss Red Cross, in German, French and Italian)

Family carers in Switzerland

Relatives providing care and nursing (also known as family carers) are people of all ages, including children and teenagers, performing care and nursing tasks for a family member in need of support.

What does the federal government do for those concerned and their relatives?

The federal government itself does not offer assistance for family carers. However, it supports policymakers and organisations that work on behalf of family carers.

Family carers and those concerned can obtain direct support here:

SOS – contact point for assistance and Emergency Plan

Advice for relatives providing care and nursing (Swiss Red Cross, in German, French and Italian)

Emergency plan for family carers (Swiss Carers)

What does the federal government do for healthcare professionals and institutions?

The following activities are being implemented by the federal government:

How does the federal government support policymakers?

The FOPH creates knowledge bases for politicians and other interested parties. It also defines national standards together with other stakeholders. Furthermore, the FOPH responds to political initiatives from the Parliament.
Parliamentary initiatives (available in German, French, Italian):

Last modification 30.05.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Healthcare and Related Professions Division
Healthcare Developement Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern

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