WHO pandemic agreement

Since 2022, an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body in WHO has been working on proposals for a convention, agreement, or other instrument for pandemic preparedness and response. Switzerland supports this process.

International instrument for pandemic preparedness and response

Objectives of the new instrument

A new pandemic agreement is one of the key recommendations of the Independent Panel on Pandemic Preparedness and Response.

For Switzerland, international cooperation is a key requirement to prepare for future health emergencies. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated no single government or institution can address the threat of future pandemics alone. Better preparation and protection of countries, communities and actors worldwide will ultimately also serve to protect Switzerland and its population.

Intergovernmental Negotiating Body

The World Health Assembly (WHA) established an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) by consensus at its special session in late 2021. The mandate of the body, which was foreseen until May 2024, was extended by one year at the 77th WHA. The INB shall submit its negotiation result to the 78th WHA in May 2025 at the latest.

The pandemic agreement shall strengthen the international collaboration for pandemic preparedness and response in different aspects (e.g. in research and development for pandemic-related health products, early detection of dangerous pathogens). The negotiating body agreed on a legally binding agreement under Article 19 of the WHO Constitution on July 21, 2022.

All WHO member states are part of the negotiating body and can actively contribute their interests.

All public meetings of the negotiating body can be followed live or viewed and read afterwards.

Priorities of Switzerland

Switzerland was an early supporter for a legally binding instrument. The pandemic has shown how important internationally binding instruments are for Switzerland. Switzerland therefore supports this negotiation process and actively contributes its interests.

Last modification 06.08.2024

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