Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

Almost half of the world’s population has no access to essential health services. Each year nearly hundred million people face extreme poverty because of the money they have to spend on health services.

In the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, all member states of the United Nations have committed to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030. This involves implementing concrete measures to ensure that each individual, no matter where in the world, can access essential quality health services without suffering financial hardship. This is a particular challenge in situations of emergencies, armed conflict and other situations of violence.

In Switzerland, UHC has been largely achieved in terms of service coverage, but the increase in health costs is a major challenge that needs to be met.

At the international level, Switzerland actively promotes UHC, notably within the framework of international cooperation. The upcoming UN High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage in September 2019 is a unique opportunity to identify the requirements and actions needed to achieve UHC by 2030.

Call to Action - Universal Health Coverage in Emergencies

This Call to Action is a commitment to accelerate efforts to improve the coverage of quality essential health services without risk of financial hardship. It is a multi-stakeholder initiative to accelerate progress towards Universal Health Coverage for people affected by armed conflicts, fragile settings, health and other emergencies.

Last modification 25.10.2018

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