National conference on Health2030

The Health2030 National Conference brings together key players to discuss the greatest challenges facing the healthcare sector. The latest conference, held on 20 February 2024, focused on the digitalisation of healthcare.

Federal Councillor Elisabeth Baume-Schneider opening the National Conference on Health2030

Digitally networked, humanly connected

The «Digitally networked, humanly connected» event, held on 20 February 2024, was opened by Federal Councillor Elisabeth Baume-Schneider. In her address to the attendees – around 320 key healthcare players – she emphasised the importance of a strong and affordable primary care system, and of close cooperation between all the partners involved.

From her perspective, the top priority was digital transformation – the theme of this year’s conference – which should help to strengthen the health system. While substantial investments in digitalisation had already been made in Switzerland, they were not sufficiently coordinated. To facilitate digital access to vital health information, there was a need for improved networking of the various systems.

Opening address by Federal Councillor Elisabeth Baume-Schneider

What are the priorities for health policy from the viewpoint of Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, Head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs since 1 January 2024? Her opening address to the National Conference on Health2030 is available on the website of the Federal Department of Home Affairs (in German/French/Italian).

DigiSanté Programme

At the conference, experts from the federal authorities presented the programme designed to promote the digital transformation of healthcare (DigiSanté - available in German, French and Italian) and discussed specific projects with representatives of the cantons and academia, as well as numerous other healthcare players.

Explainer video DigiSanté (available in German, French, Italian)

A video explaining the DigiSanté programme is available online:

Recordings of addresses and presentations

For the benefit of anyone who was unable to attend the Conference or would like to listen to one of the contributions again, all the addresses and presentations were recorded (in the original language, with simultaneous translation into French, German or Italian).

They are available here:

Input presentations

These presentations are available in German and French.

Adrien Bron, Director General, Geneva Cantonal Health Office (OCS)

«eHealth – what is the cantons’ role?» – Case study: Intercantonal Agreement on Digitalisation of Healthcare (CARA)

Dimitra Panteli, Lead on Innovation, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

«European developments in digitalisation – What should we expect?»

Felix Gille, Project Leader, Digital Society Initiative, University of Zurich

«Public trust in the sharing of health data»

Topic-based workshops

As the various players’ expertise and involvement will be crucial to the development of tomorrow’s digitalised healthcare, attendees were invited to contribute their knowledge and views.

There were five topic-based workshops:

Info booths

Inspiring digitalisation projects were presented by various actors at info booths, attracting keen interest.

There were five info booths:

Imagery of the Health2030 conference of February 20, 2024

Last modification 24.04.2024

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