Your Options of Counselling

If problems arise, your first point of contact is the relevant healthcare professional or hospital. If this does not result in a solution, national – and, in some cases, cantonal – advice agencies are available. 

The Federal Office of Public Health FOPH cannot offer personal advice. Please refer to the information below and contact the appropriate counselling center. Many thanks.

Cantonal information and counselling centers

Supra-regional offers

Further information

migesplus: a portal for health equity

This competence center provides health information in the languages of migrants living in Switzerland.

Health Equity

Our health system must be accessible to all, regardless of language, origin, social status or educational level.

Cure coordinate

Con un buon coordinamento tra i fornitori di prestazioni è possibile evitare i doppioni, migliorare la qualità e contenere i costi. Attuiamo diverse misure e vari progetti per rafforzare le cure coordinate.

Last modification 12.11.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Healthcare and Related Professions Division
Health Equity Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern

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