Veterinary medicinal products

Veterinary medicinal products are authorised and subsequently supervised by the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products Swissmedic. They are governed by the provisions of the Therapeutic Products Act (TPA) and its associated ordinances.

Veterinary medicinal products in the Therapeutic Products Act

The Therapeutic Products Act covers the following with regard to veterinary medicinal products:

  • the handling of veterinary medicinal products
  • due diligence in the handling
  • the manufacture
  • the placing on the market and authorisation
  • the import and export and foreign trade with
  • the distribution, prescription and dispensing
  • the advertising
  • special provisions (e.g. prescription and dispensing, obligation to keep a record)
  • the market surveillance and inspection procedures
  • the competence over enforcing the provisions
  • the criminal provisions in case of infringements

From the stable to the table

One particular about veterinary medicinal products is their use in animals destined for food production (so-called production animals). Here their use is directly linked to the food chain.

To protect consumers against undesirable residues from veterinary medicinal products in foods of animal original, the Ordinance on Veterinary Medicinal Products (OVMP) spells out certain provisions of the Therapeutic Products Act (e.g. special provisions for veterinary medicinal products) in further detail.

The OVMP furthermore aims to ensure the correct use of veterinary medicinal products (in particular the needs-based and targeted prescription, dispensing and use of antibiotics) and the supply of high quality, safe and effective veterinary medicinal products to protect animal health.

Federal responsibilities

  • Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH):
    Handling the Therapeutic Products Act along with its associated Federal Council ordinances and thus the statutory therapeutic products foundation for veterinary medicinal products.
  • Swissmedic: Central point of contact for the authorisation and market surveillance of human and veterinary medicinal products:
  • Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO): Use of veterinary medicinal products, handling of the Ordinance on Veterinary Medicinal Products (OVMP) and enforcement coordination
  • Institute of Virology and Immunology (IVI): Issuing of official batch release for immunological veterinary medicinal products according to article 17 TPA

Last modification 11.10.2021

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Biomedicine Division
Therapeutic Products Law Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 463 51 54

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