The Federal Office of Public Health has been commissioned to review the effectiveness of the Reproductive Medicine Act (RMA). The aim of the review is to investigate whether the Act is being implemented effectively and appropriately and whether it is achieving its objectives.
The effectiveness review (evaluation) investigates whether the Reproductive Medicine Act is achieving its objectives. It is carried out in three stages, namely monitoring, formative evaluation and summative evaluation.
Evaluation is based on the impact model of the Reproductive Medicine Act, which reflects the legislative objectives of the RMA and the regulatory instruments that should be used to achieve those objectives.
Monitoring forms the basis of the effectiveness review and is based on systematically collected data. These data provide an insight into reproductive medicine practices in Switzerland.
Among other things, a record is made of how many couples use reproductive medicine procedures such as insemination or in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), how many doctors have a licence to carry out reproductive medicine procedures and how many sperm donors are registered.
The page Reproductive Medicine: Facts and Figures shows the results. The annually-compiled short reports on the results can be found in the ‘Documents’ tab below.
Formative evaluation
Formative evaluation is used to assess implementation of the RMA. To this end, qualitative surveys are carried out in the form of interviews or questionnaires: How much effort is required for implementation? Do the legal provisions prove effective in practice? Is the Act being enforced uniformly throughout Switzerland? What desirable and undesirable effects can be identified? Should implementation be improved?
The formative evaluation ran from 2019 until 2021. The final report, executive summary and opinion from the FOPH and GDK can be found in German on the page Evaluationsberichte «Biomedizin und Forschung» under ‘Abgeschlossene Studien' or in French on the page Rapports d'évaluation sur «Biomédecine et recherche» under 'Études terminées'.
Summative evaluation
Summative evaluation is the final stage of the effectiveness review. It examines the fundamental question of whether the Act is achieving its objectives or whether it needs to be revised.
The summative evaluation ran from 2023 until 2024. The final report, executive summary and opinion from the FOPH and GDK can be found in German on the page Evaluationsberichte «Biomedizin und Forschung» under ‘Abgeschlossene Studien' or in French on the page Rapports d'évaluation sur «Biomédecine et recherche» under 'Études terminées'.
- Reproductive Medicine Act (RMA) effectiveness review: Conceptual framework 2016 – update 2019 (available in German only) (PDF, 53 kB, 24.08.2017)
- Impact Model of the Reproductive Medicine Act: Explanation (available in German only) (PDF, 592 kB, 28.07.2021)
- Impact Model of the Reproductive Medicine Act (available in German only) (PDF, 1 MB, 25.06.2019)(only in German)
- Reproductive Medicine Act monitoring: Concept (available in German only) (PDF, 737 kB, 28.07.2021)
- Monitoring RMA: Key results 2017/2018 (PDF, 324 kB, 03.06.2020)
- Monitoring RMA: Key results 2019 (PDF, 251 kB, 19.07.2021)
- Monitoring RMA: Key results 2020 (PDF, 275 kB, 14.06.2022)
- Monitoring RMA: Key Results 2021 (PDF, 289 kB, 21.06.2023)
- Monitoring RMA: Key Results 2022 (PDF, 347 kB, 22.07.2024)
Last modification 21.11.2024
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Biomedicine Division
Biosafety, Human Genetics and Reproductive Medicine Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
+41 58 463 51 54