Portal for clinical trials in Switzerland (SNCTP)

Clinical trials in Switzerland must be published on the research portal. The portal can be found on the website of the Portal for Human Research www.kofam.ch, which is operated by the FOPH.

Since 2014 all clinical trials in Switzerland authorised by an ethics committee have been published in the SNCTP (Swiss National Clinical Trials Portal). The study portal thus provides an important contribution to transparency in human research. At present information on approximately 55 000 studies from Switzerland and neighbouring countries can be inspected.

Benefits for researchers and the general public

The SNCTP offers different functions both for generally interested persons as well as for researchers. For each study conducted in Switzerland and its neighbouring countries, various items of information are available in English. In addition, for clinical trials conducted in Switzerland, information for laypeople in a Swiss national language is available. It can be clearly seen what subjects are researched, whether research participants are required and how those responsible for the research can be contacted. Thus, persons who wish to participate in a trial can search for suitable clinical trials. Researchers, for their part, can easily obtain an overview of current research topics in a particular specialist field.

Update for the Swiss study portal SNCTP: Now with results of clinical trials and extended filter functions

The SNCTP is under continual development. The improvements implemented as part of the latest update include the following:

  • Results displayed: If results are available for a clinical trial, this is noted in the search result, and the results can be viewed via a link to the primary register. A filter function allows a targeted search specifically for trials with available results.
  • New filter options for children, adolescents and healthy persons: Clinical trials conducted in Switzerland that recruit children,  adolescents or healthy persons can now be viewed separately with these specific filters.*
  • Approving ethics committee displayed: The ethics committee that has approved the clinical trial as well as the date of approval are listed.  

* For technical reasons, the new filter functions for children, adolescents and healthy persons only work for clinical trials conducted in Switzerland. They do not work for clinical trials conducted in neighbouring countries.

Ongoing development

Further improvements will be made in the course of time. As before, users have a function for sending feedback on the functioning of the portal. 

Last modification 11.06.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
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Human Research Section
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3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 463 51 54

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