HIV tests for self-administration ("HIV self-tests”)

Starting on June 19th, HIV tests for self-administration (so called HIV self-tests) may be sold in Switzerland.

Further information

Counselling and testing centres for HIV and other STI's

Find the right counselling and testing centre for you.

Guidelines and recommendations on sexually transmitted infections

The FOPH draws up guidelines and recommendations for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections along with the Swiss Federal Commission for Sexual Health (FCSH).

Communicable Diseases Legislation – Epidemics Act, (EpidA)

The Epidemics Act aims to ensure that communicable diseases are detected, monitored, prevented and controlled at an early stage and helps to better manage disease outbreaks with a high risk potential.

Last modification 06.12.2018

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Division Communicable diseases
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 463 87 06

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