You can continue to protect yourself and other people against the coronavirus.
Here is what you can do:
Get vaccinated.
A vaccine protects people who are especially at risk against the coronavirus.
You will find further information about vaccination here: LINK
Wear a mask.
You no longer have to wear a mask.
But you can wear a mask
if you would like to do so.
A mask protects you and other people
from being infected with the coronavirus.
Air rooms several times every day.
Every room in which people have been must be aired several times every day.
This will help to slow down the coronavirus from spreading.
Important points when airing:
- Always open the windows fully.
- A draft must be created when airing.
- Air rooms for 5 to 10 minutes each time.
- Air your whole home 3 to 5 times every day.
- If a large number of people are in a room,
you should ventilate this room every 30 minutes. - You should ventilate school classrooms every 20 minutes.
Wash your hands thoroughly.
You can protect yourself from getting infected by washing your hands regularly with soap.
This way, you will also protect yourself against other illnesses.
It is very important that you wash your hands properly.
- Wet your hands with soap.
- Rub your hands until there is a soap lather.
- Spread the lather all over your hands.
Make sure it gets in between your fingers and under your nails. - Rinse your hands well with water.
- Dry your hands well. A paper towel is best.
Here you can watch a film that shows you how: LINK
Always cough or sneeze into a tissue or into the crook of your arm.
You pass on the coronavirus when blowing your nose, sneezing, spitting or coughing.
How to protect yourself:
- Hold something in front of your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze.
A paper tissue is best. - Or cough into the crook of your arm.
- Blow your nose into a paper tissue.
- Use a paper tissue only once.
Then throw it away. - You should also wash your hands afterwards.
This film shows you how: LINK
Last modification 20.09.2023