If you have the flu, stay at home. To take the pressure off the hospitals, only the most serious cases will be admitted to hospital. If you get care at home there are preventive measures you and the people around you must follow

Avoid infecting the people around you
If you’re ill, stay away from other members of your household. Stay in one room if possible, and air it out regularly. Avoid close contact with others, especially hugs, shaking hands, etc. Wear a surgical mask if other people are around you. Always cover your mouth with a paper tissue if you cough or sneeze; use the tissue only once and throw it in the bin afterwards.
Looking after and visiting people with flu
You should keep visits to sick people to an absolute minimum. If possible, sick people should always be taken care of by a single person, and this person should keep to the personal hygiene rules.
Last modification 08.11.2024
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Prevention and Healthcare Provision Directorate
Communicable Diseases Division
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
+41 58 463 87 06