Radon causes lung cancer

Radon is responsible for 200 to 300 deaths a year in Switzerland and is second only to smoking as a leading cause of lung cancer. 

Cartoon of human with red respiratory tract

The risk of lung cancer increases as airborne radon concentrations and the length of exposure rise. Radon decay products accumulate in and irradiate lung tissue. Years or even decades may elapse between the irradiation of lung tissue and the onset of lung cancer.

About 8 million people live in Switzerland. Every year, there are about 64,000 deaths, including 17,000 from cancer. Lung cancer is responsible for around 3,200 deaths a year, with 200 to 300 cases being attributable to radon.

Further information

Radon map of Switzerland

Consult the radon map and carry out the radon-check in order to determine the urgency for a radon measurement in your building.

Last modification 19.12.2019

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Division of Radiological
Radiological Risk Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 464 68 80

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