
Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive noble gas, which can seep into buildings through the ground. Switzerland is particularly affected by this problem due to its geology. The current radon protection strategy is set out in the 2021-2030 action plan.   

What is radon?

Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive noble gas, which forms in the soil.

How radon enters buildings

Radon infiltrates houses from the soil, which can lead to a pollution of the indoor air.

Radon causes lung cancer

Radon is the primary cause for lung cancer after smoking.

Legal dispositions concerning radon

Legal values have been defined for the radon concentration indoors.

Radon map of Switzerland

Consult the radon map and carry out the radon-check in order to determine the urgency for a radon measurement in your building.

Measuring the radon concentration

It is easy and cheap to measure the radon level in a building.

Advice by radon consultants

Radon consultants with an education approved by the FOPH provide advice regarding appropriate protection measures against radon.

Constructional measures against radon

It is possible to protect a building from high radon levels by adopting simple measures.

Last modification 12.12.2024

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