Radioactivity in the air (trace measurements)

Pour la surveillance de la radioactivité dans l’atmosphère, la section URA exploite, en plus du réseau URAnet Aero, d’autres systèmes de prélèvement permettant d’atteindre une limite de détection très basse (mesures de haute sensibilité):

Radioactivity in the air (trace measurements)

We operate six high-volume aerosol collectors to measure aerosol-bound radioactivity in outdoor air. The air filters are changed weekly and measured in the laboratory using gamma spectrometry.

High altitude filters (HFF)

Two collectors attached to a military aircraft are used to collect air samples at altitudes of up to 15,000 m, which are then measured in the URA laboratory using gamma spectrometry.

FWP aerosol collector

In addition to the high-volume samplers (HVS), the URA section also operates three aerosol samplers with a lower volume throughput (approx. 40 m3/h). These devices continuously filter dust from the ambient air.

Limit values for radioactivity

What immission limits apply in Switzerland? What concentrations are harmless to health?

Last modification 31.03.2022

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Division of Radiological Protection
Ambient Radioactivity Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 96 14
Fax-Nr +41 58 462 83 83

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