What requirements must devices that generate non-ionising radiation (NIR) and sound for cosmetic treatments meet? How can medical devices be distinguished from low-voltage products?
New regulation governing NIR and sound devices for cosmetic treatments
Devices that generate non-ionising radiation (NIR) and sound for cosmetic purposes and that are used professionally or commercially are subject to the Ordinance to the Federal Act on Protection against Hazards from Non-ionising Radiation and Sound (O-NIRSA) and the Medical Devices Ordinance (MedDO). The factsheet ‘Products for cosmetic treatments using non-ionising radiation and sound’ describes what cosmetic providers such as commercial cosmetics businesses, professional cosmetics schools or doctors should observe with regard to their NIR and sound devices.
Last modification 18.12.2023
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Radiological Protection Division
Non-ionising Radiation and Dosimetry Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
+41 58 462 96 14