Treatments using non-ionising (e.g. laser) radiation and sound

Some treatments – involving, for example, the use of laser beams, light, ultrasound or radiofrequency – may pose risks to human tissue. Since June 2019, treatments using radiation and sound have therefore been regulated by a Federal Act and an associated Ordinance. From 1 June 2024, persons carrying out such treatments require a certificate of competence.

Certain treatments using products that generate non-ionising radiation, such as laser beams or light, place substantial burdens on the irradiated tissue. If such treatments are not carried out properly, the  skin, eyes and other tissue may be exposed to significant risks. To keep the risks to a minimum, appropriate measures – as explained below – are specified in the Federal Act on Protection against the Risks associated with Non-Ionising Radiation and with Sound (NIRSA). The measures are defined in more detail in the associated Ordinance (O-NIRSA). The Act and the Ordinance came into force on 1 June 2019. From 1 June 2024, persons carrying out such treatments require a certificate of competence.

General information on the certificates of competence

Für welche Behandlungen braucht es einen What treatments require a certificate of competence? What certificates of competence are there?

Structure and content of training and exam for a certificate of competence

What do the training and exam involve? What prerequisites are there?

Information for persons who wish to acquire a certificate of competence

From which examining bodies can a certificate of competence be obtained?
What should be kept in mind?

List of persons with a certificate of competence

Where can I find persons who have already obtained a certificate of competence?

Information for prospective examining bodies

How do I become an examining body for a certificate of competence?

Treatments, procedures and techniques subject to medical supervision and prohibited treatments

Which treatments may only be carried out by physicians or by practice personnel directly instructed by them and which treatments are fully prohibited?

Regulations regarding devices for cosmetic treatments using non-ionising radiation and sound

What requirements must devices that generate non-ionising radiation (NIR) and sound for cosmetic treatments meet? How can medical devices be distinguished from low-voltage products?

Last modification 04.07.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Division of Radiological Protection
Non-ionising Radiation and Dosimetry Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 96 14

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