Recognition of radiological protection training undergone abroad

Radiological protection trainings which have been followed abroad can be recognised provided they meet the Swiss requirements. You can find below whom to contact.

Necessary qualifications

In Switzerland, radiation protection training is often associated with the practicing of a regulated profession. If the content and duration of the radiation protection training completed abroad corresponds to the Swiss training, it can be acquired by recognizing the corresponding foreign professional title.

Under the Swiss-EU/EFTA Agreement on Free Movement of Persons, professional diplomas, university degrees and medical specialist titles for regulated professions can be recognized in Switzerland.

With such recognition, evidence of qualifications is deemed to have been provided, insofar as this is also applicable for the Swiss diploma or specialist title.

The following bodies are responsible for the recognition of professional diplomas, university degrees and medical specialist titles:

Professional group Responsible body
Training in the healthcare sector

Non-graduate healthcare professions (dental practice assistant, medical practice assistant, etc.)

State Secretariat for Education, research and Innovation (SERI)
Dental hygienist, medical radiation technicians RT
Swiss Red Cross (SRC)
Graduate healthcare professions (physician, dentist, veterinary surgeon, chiropractor) FOPH/Medical Professions Commission (MEBEKO)
Training in the research and industrial sector Professional education and universities of applied sciences State Secretariat for Education, research and Innovation (SERI)
University degrees Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities (swissuniversities)

Expertise in radiological protection

Radiological protection training completed abroad to obtain expertise in radiological protection may be recognized by the competent supervisory authority, provided that the training is equivalent in scope and content to the training required in Switzerland for the same area of application.

Applications for recognition must be submitted via the online portal of the FOPH (RPS). They are examined on an individual basis:

Direct link to RPS, the web portal of the FOPH for authorizations in radiation protection (in german, french and italian):

Last modification 16.12.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Radiological Protection Division
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 96 14

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