Current legislation for chemicals, foodstuffs, the environment, and medicines also applies to nanomaterials.
Regulatory tools, which may contribute to the safe handling of nanomaterials include:
- Authorisation and registration procedures
- Bans and restrictions on use
- Declaration provisions
- Self-monitoring by manufacturers
- Emission and immission thresholds for water, air and soil
- Maximum values for ingredients and impurities in food
- Maximum values for workplace pollution
- Quantity thresholds for storage and transport
Review of existing legislation
The relevant federal agencies are continually reviewing existing laws regarding possible adaptations, and deciding whether the methodological basis already allows them to be adapted to reflect the latest research findings. Switzerland is also involved in developing international standards for assessing the risks of nanomaterials.
Developments abroad, particularly in the EU, are being incorporated in this review and the amendments.
Nano-specific amendments have already been implemented into ordinances. These amendments and the guidance documents published, forming part of the «Action plan for synthetic nanomaterials», are helping to ensure that nanomaterials are produced and used safely.
Last modification 12.05.2022
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Division of Chemical Products
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
+41 58 462 96 40