Human biomonitoring projects in Switzerland

In Switzerland, there are several studies that include human biomonitoring. However, these do not yet provide representative data for Switzerland, so that a national study is being considered.

Starting point

As the first parliamentary initiative in Switzerland, the postulate Moser 08.3223 in 2009 called for human biomonitoring (HBM) in Switzerland. In the meantime, the FOPH has responded to the postulate by conducting an inventory and initiating a pilot study.

Important projects in Switzerland

Between 2010 and 2012, Switzerland participated in DEMOCOPHES, the first cross-sectional HBM study harmonized across Europe. In the context of some cohort studies in Switzerland, human biosamples are taken, some of which are analysed for chemicals.

Towards a national programme

In close collaboration with academic researchers, the Federal Office of Public health plans to establish a national programme to collect human biomonitoring data as well as health data. This multidisciplinary study would give an overview of the health status, chemical exposure and nutritional status of the general population in Switzerland.

The goal of this programme is not only to provide reference data for the Swiss population but also to better understand the impact of the environment and behaviours on our health, and thus to support health policy.

After completion of the pilot phase in 2023, the Federal Council has requested the FOPH to clarify the organisational and financing options and the necessary legal basis in collaboration with the interested federal offices FOEN, FSO, FSVO, SERI and SECO. This preparatory project FOR-SHeS (financing, organisation, legal basis of a Swiss health study) will be completed in 2026 with a report to the Federal Council.

Pilot phase

A pilot project for a national health study with Human Biomonitoring (HBM) is being conducted under the name "Swiss Health Study - Pilot Phase". The interim report on the operational phase and the analytical results from HBM were published in German and French in June and August 2023, respectively (see below).

Last modification 29.08.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
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Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
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