Import of human pathogenic organisms

The import of human pathogenic organisms must be reported to the FOPH in certain cases. Here you can find more detailed information.

Group 2 human pathogenic organisms and genetically active material may be imported without restrictions and without prior notification. For the import of human pathogenic organisms of groups 3 and 4, the FOPH must be informed of the time and place of each import (see Annex 3.2 para. 3 let. g ContainO). This can be done by e-mail, or as part of an authorisation application or notification.

In general, the FOPH does not issue import certificates. If the delivery is blocked at customs, the importer or customs can contact the FOPH by telephone or e-mail (see Contact).

Further information from the Swiss Expert Committee for Biosafety (SECB) and the WHO can be found under «Links».


Biosafety legislation

The Ordinance on Handling Organisms in Contained Systems (ContainO) as well as various acts and additional ordinances govern activities with genetically modified, pathogenic or alien organisms in contained systems.

Last modification 08.08.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Biomedical Department
Biosafety, Human Genetics and Reproductive Medicine Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 463 51 54

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