Research with human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) that are available in Switzerland is subject to strict rules. Here you will find an overview of the relevant requirements, responsibilities and procedures, and the requirements applying to final reports.
You wish to conduct a stem cell research project (RP-S) involving human embryonic stem cells that are available in Switzerland.
N.B.: The fact that cell lines have already been imported for a research project does not in itself mean that they are available in Switzerland. In general, the cells have to be reimported for a different project, and a new MTA (Material Transfer Agreement) has to be concluded with the owner of the cell line. In contrast, cell lines that were derived in Switzerland are always available.
Approval of the stem cell research project by the responsible ethics committee
Responsibility: Competent ethics committee
Reference number assigned to the stem cell research project by the Federal Office of Public Health (assignment of a reference number
= authorization of the research project)
Responsibility: Federal Office of Public Health
1. Application for approval of the stem cell research project to be submitted to the competent ethics committee
Gesuch: Stammzellen- Forschungsprojekt (XLS, 335 kB, 09.11.2016)(only in German and French)
2. Notification of the stem cell research project to be submitted to the Federal Office of Public Health, so that a reference number can be assigned
Meldung eines Stammzellen- Forschungsprojektes (XLS, 333 kB, 09.11.2016)(only in German and French)
3. Within 15 days after completion or discontinuation of the stem cell research project, notification to be submitted to the competent ethics committee and to the Federal Office of Public Health
Meldung: Abschluss oder Abbruch des Stammzellen- Forschungsprojektes (XLS, 320 kB, 09.11.2016)(only in German and French)
4. Within 6 months after completion or discontinuation of the stem cell research project, final report to be submitted to the competent ethics committee and to the Federal Office of Public Health
Schlussbericht des Stammzellen- Forschungsprojektes (XLS, 319 kB, 09.11.2016)(only in German and French)
Last modification 30.04.2021
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Division of Biomedicine
Human Research Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
+41 58 463 51 54