The legislation on biological safety in contained systems is made up of various acts and ordinances. They define various protection objectives for research, diagnostics and production.
The Ordinance on Handling Organisms in Contained Systems (ContainO), as well as various acts and additional ordinances govern activities with genetically modified, pathogenic or alien organisms in contained systems.
The Ordinance on Handling Organisms in Contained Systems
The FOPH, together with the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), is responsible for enforcing the ContainO. This is intended to protect humans and the environment from damaging effects resulting from the handling of genetically modified, pathogenic or alien organisms in contained systems.
To the Ordinance on Handling Organisms in Contained Systems (SR 814.912)
ContainO is based on the following acts
- Federal Act on the Protection of the Environment (EPA; SR 814.01)
- Federal Act on Non-Human Gene Technology (GTA; SR 814.91)
- Federal Act on Combating Communicable Human Diseases (in German, EpidA; SR 818.01)
More details are available in the classified compilation of federal law (see under « Links »).
Additional ordinances relating to biological safety
- Ordinance on Protection of Employees from Dangerous Microorganisms (only available in French, German or Italian; PEMO; SR 832.321)
- Ordinance of the EAER on Dangerous and Arduous Working Conditions in Pregnancy and Maternity (only available in French, German or Italian; SR 822.111.52)
- Ordinance of the EAER on Dangerous Working Conditions for Young People (only available in French, German or Italian; SR 822.115.2)
- Ordinance on Protection against Major Accidents (MAO; SR 814.012)
Last modification 29.08.2018
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Biomedical Department
Biosafety, Human Genetics and Reproductive Medicine Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
+41 58 463 51 54