Monitoring and indicator systems are systematic collections of data. They make a fundamental contribution to evidence-based health policy. This page provides an overview of selected data sources and monitorings relevant to the fulfilment of the FOPH’s tasks.
Monitoring and indicator systems are routine, permanent and systematic collections of comparable data. They allow various actors to identify changes and/or trends in the implementation and impact of government measures and the behaviour of target groups. Monitoring only observes. There is no judgment. The monitoring elements are the indicators defined as the subject of observation. The results are the data and the changes/trends identified using the selected indicators.
Surveillance is the systematic and ongoing monitoring of diseases and deaths in the population. Surveillance is particularly used for infectious diseases (epidemiology).
Overview of Monitorings and surveillances
Health indicators:
Monitoring of the legislature plan:
Research Database:
Last modification 30.01.2025
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Management Services Division
Evaluation and Research Service
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157