Research on addictions

The FOPH launches research projects on the theme of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and behavioral addictions (eg Internet, gambling). The Tobacco Prevention Fund supports projects related to tobacco. The lines of research are regularly examined and, if necessary, modified. 

An effective policy on addictions requires a scientific basis. Regular surveys and specific studies provide the knowledge required to continuously adjust the measures according to the new context.

Knowledge is lacking, particularly with regard to illegal drugs. This is to be remedied. It is essential to encourage the transfer of knowledge to practice. Targeted promotion, financing and scientific support of projects are major challenges.

Here you will find current research reports on addictions (in French, German or Italian).

Weiterführende Themen

Forschungsberichte Sucht

Hier finden Sie eine Liste mit Forschungsberichten zum Thema «Sucht», die vom Bundesamt für Gesundheit finanziert worden sind.

Monitoring in the FOPH

Monitoring observes and highlights changes and trends in the area of health.

Zahlen und Fakten Sucht

Sucht ist eine Krankheit und charakterisiert ein Zwanghaftes Verhalten, das auch dann weiterbesteht, wenn schwerwiegende gesundheitliche und soziale Folgen für den betroffenen Menschen und sein Umfeld eintreten.

National Strategy on Addiction

The National Strategy on Addiction aims to prevent the development of addiction, provide help to people with an addiction and reduce the negative impact on health and society.

Last modification 25.05.2021

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Division Non-communicable Diseases
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 463 88 24

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