Commissioning evaluations

Evaluations are commissioned in compliance with the legislation governing public procurement.

The legislation on public procurement governs the commissioning of evaluations.

The FOPH awards evaluation contracts on the basis of a competition, employing an invitation procedure in most cases. With this procedure, the person commissioning the evaluation determines which potential suppliers are to be invited to submit an offer directly, without issuing a call for tenders. The person commissioning the evaluation must (if possible) invite at least three suppliers to submit an offer, and at least one of these must be non-local.


Legislation regarding evaluation & research

The acquisition of knowledge through evaluation and research is conducted on the basis of legislation.

Further information

Evaluation in the FOPH

Evaluation assesses the value and benefit of health policy measures.

Evaluation reports

Evaluations are a source of knowledge that helps the FOPH and its partners to optimize the impact of health policy measures, in particular. Here you’ll find evaluation reports on a range of different themes.

Last modification 30.07.2020

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Management Services Division
Evaluation and Research Service
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern

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