Here a list of research reports on the topic "Addiction" that have been funded by the Federal Office of Public Health.
Accompanying research on cannabis regulation
Alternatives to profit-maximising commercial models of cannabis supply for non-medical use
in English
Mafalda Pardal et al.
RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, Calif., and Cambridge, UK, 2023
Lessons learnt from alcohol and tobacco for cannabis regulation
A. Ritter et al.
Drug Policy Modelling Program, University of New South WalesCe
ntre for Alcohol Policy Studies, LaTrobe University, 2023
Toxicological assessment of aerosols emitted by cannabis inhalation methods
report in English, summary in German, French and English
Nicolas Sambiagio et al.
Unisanté Lausanne
Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin, Universität Bern (BIHAM)
Cannabis in the Swiss Economy - Economic Effects of Current and Alternative Regulation
Oliver Hoff
University of Geneva, 2022
The report is also published under Regulatory Impact Assessments of State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Attitude towards legalization and regulation of cannabis - population survey
report in German, executive summary in French and Italian
Sarah Bütikofer et al.
Sotomo, 2021
Literature review of the impact of cannabis legalisation in the United States, Canada and Uruguay
in French, executive summary in German
Valentine Schmidhauser, Frank Zobel
Addiction Suisse, 2021
Agenda de recherche concernant la réglementation de la consommation de cannabis à des fins non-médicales en suisse
Executive Summary in German, French, Italian
Roman Zwicky et al.
Universität Zürich, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse & Evaluation, 2021
Final report CBDrive: CBD cannabis and driving ability
Report in German, summary in French
Dr. phil. des Laura Egloff, Dr. rer. nat. Priska Frei, Prof. Dr. med. Eva Scheurer
Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universität Basel, 2021
Report on THC limits in traffic
Literatureanalysis, in German, abstract in German and French
Biranda Bucher et al.
Institut für Rechtsmedizin, Universität Basel, 2020
Review of models for the legalisation and regulation of cannabis
in French, summary in German
Frank Zobel, Marc Marthaler
Sucht Schweiz, 2016
Thematic booklet on problematic cannabis use in 2016
in German, summary in German and French
Simon Marmet et al.
Sucht Schweiz, 2016
Addiction monitoring in neighboring countries: Cannabis
in French
Fank Zobel
Sucht Schweiz, 2016
Illegal consumption and black market
Drugs on the Internet. Overview of the situation in Switzerland
in French, summary in German and French
Quentin Rossy et al.
Sucht Schweiz und Ecole des Sciences Criminelles (ESC/UNIL), 2018
Testing of cannabis for extenders, blends, pesticides, microbiological and inorganic contaminants
in German, summary in German
Dr. Werner Bernhard et al.
Universität Bern, Institut für Rechtsmedizin
Fines for cannabis use
in French, summary in German and French
Frank Zobel, Cécile Homberg, Marc Marthaler
Sucht Schweiz, 2017
Medical use of cannabis
Cannabis use: recreational or medical motivations?
in German, summary in German and French
Andreas Wenger, Michael Schaub
Schweizer Institut für Sucht- und Gesundheitsforschung, 2019
Research concept for systematic accompanying research on the efficacy of cannabis medicinal products
in German
Matthias Egger, Lukas Fenner
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) University of Bern, 2019
Cannabinoids for Medical Use A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Penny F. Whiting et al.
BAG, 2015
Systematic review of cannabis for medical use
Penny Whiting et al.
Kleijnen Systematic Reviews Ltd, 2014
Cannabidiol (CBD)
Cannabidiol (CBD): a review
in French, summary in French and German
Frank Zobel et al.
Sucht Schweiz, 2018
Last modification 24.10.2024
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Division Non-communicable Diseases
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
+41 58 463 88 24