Research reports

Research provides the FOPH with the knowledge it needs to guide decisions and actions, and so fulfil its duties. Recent research reports can be found here. A full overview can be obtained by searching in ARAMIS, the Federal Administration’s research database.

The Federal Administration operates an information system known as ARAMIS, the Administration Research Actions Management Information System, to keep a record of research and innovation projects, funded entirely or in part by the Confederation. The legal basis is provided by the ARAMIS Ordinance.

The database can be accessed via the following link:

Research reports on accident and health insurance

In this section you can access research reports on accident and health insurance.
The content is only available on the French and German pages.

Forschungsberichte Bewegung und Körpergewicht

Here a list of research reports on the topic "physical activity and body weight" that have been funded by the Federal Office of Public Health.

International Health Policy Survey (IHP) of the Commonwealth Fund Foundation

Here you’ll find the results of the health policy surveys of the CWF Foundation.

Research reports on addiction

Here a list of research reports on the topic "Addiction" that have been funded by the Federal Office of Public Health.

Communicable diseases

This section contains data and studies mandated by the FOPH on various issues related to communicable diseases.

Last modification 21.04.2017

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