
The FOPH has a wealth of proven expertise in healthcare, and produces regular publications on relevant health-related issues. Here you can read our research and evaluation reports, legal opinions and annual reports online, and in some cases order print copies. In our weekly BAG Bulletin and our newsletter, Spectra, you’ll also find news and information on health promotion and prevention-related matters. 

Research reports

Research provides the FOPH with the knowledge it needs to guide decisions and actions, and so fulfil its duties. Recent research reports can be found here.

Evaluation reports

Evaluations are a source of knowledge that helps the FOPH and its partners to optimize the impact of health policy measures, in particular. Here you’ll find evaluation reports on a range of different themes.

Activity reports

Here you can download activity reports of the FOPH on various topics such as the Activity Report on Supervision of the Social Health an Accident Insurance Systems.

Brochures & Posters

In conjunction with our partners, we issue publications and posters relating to health. You can find more information here.


We publish two periodicals: Spectra features regular online articles plus a print edition four times a year; the official weekly BAG Bulletin can be read online here, or you can subscribe to the print edition.